I am sorry-high shot still causing shoulder pain. Never tested positive yet when I got the sniffles.
masks are a joke. Worn wrong and the cigarette smoke test fails them all. Masks caused controversy in 1919 too
I know one who died in 3 days from sudden pneumonia stuff before C19 was in the news. One work associate and one 80 yo at the hall who did the 3 days and gone-no idea of underlying conditions. A few cases of "long covid" whatever that is.
A lot of the sheeple claim repeated covid and they all took the shots.!! It almost seems to follow political belief. Psychosomatic? Mpox is due in time for cthe elections.
West coast smoke is degrading our air quality and apparently Simon is responsible for the Canadian smoke (gotta blame someone)
Can we get ebola (sensational symptoms) or widespread pneumonuc plague? The government is not thinking far enough out of the box.